The current study group is working on the Book "The Messengers", by Francisco Candido Xavier by Spirit André Luiz. The study is in English and the group meets every Tuesday from 8:00-9:30 pm.
Open to everyone committed to attend it weekly and willing to study and contribute to the discussion.
For more information about the Tuesday Book Study, please contact: Clyciane at (515) 450-2378
The meeting is open to adults and young adults (age 10 and older) interested in learning the basics of Spiritism and/or to consolidate their actual knowledge, as well as to receive spiritual guidance by the mentors of the house. Sessions are in English
7:00 - 8:00 pm: The format of the meeting can be a study session, a talk about a chosen topic, or a guest lecture. Participants may ask questions and experience a broader interaction with the issues being presented. Currently, we are reading and discussing the Spirits' Book and have a movie showing every last Wednesday of the month.
For more information about the Wednesday meetings, please contact: Clyciane at (515) 450-2378 or Jocimara at (630) 549-9324
The meeting focuses on the study of the Spiritist Doctrine as codified by Allan Kardec. Sessions are in Portuguese
8:00 - 9:00 am: Readings and discussion of the books of the Spiritist codification by Allan Kardec and other spirit authors like Andre Luiz, Emmanuel and Joanna de Angelis.
For more information about the Thursday meetings, please contact: Maria Jose at (630) 450-3183 or Jocimara at (630) 549-9324.
Reserved for Special Guest Lectures.
Check the events page of the Spiritist Society of Chicago for special talks.
Spiritist Society of Chicago (SSC)
For more information about special events, please contact: Clyciane at (515) 450-2378 or Don at (703) 999-7179
Passes - "Laying on of Hands", as practiced in spiritist centers, can be described as a transmission of energy coming directly from the spiritual world. These energies are manipulated by the spiritual benefactors and channeled through the incarnate passgivers, who donate a portion of their own "vital fluid" to assist the recipient. Passes are of great benefit as a restorer of energy and promoter of well-being. Because we are a virtual spiritist center, we do not offer the traditional passes but recommend to our members the virtual passes listed below.
in English:
Virtual Passes - Spirituality & Spiritism, Bezerra Spiritual Healing Center
in Portuguese:
Passes Virtual, Conhecendo o Espiritismo
Passes Virtual Matinal, Equipe Bezerra de Menezes
Fraternal Assistance available by appointment only to anyone interested - please contact Clyciane by text or WhatsApp at (515) 450-2378.